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<h3 class="">Your Cart</h3>
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<img src="https://res.cloudinary.com/ds8pgw1pf/image/upload/v1730561465/penguinui/component-assets/products/BeatsStudioPro.webp" class="" alt="Beats Studio Pro"/>
<div class="">
<p class="">Beats Studio Pro</p>
<p class="">Color: Black</p>
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<label for="counterInput1" class="">quantity</label>
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<button type="button" class="" aria-label="subtract">
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<span class="">item price</span>
<p class="">$169</p>
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<div class="">
<img src="https://res.cloudinary.com/ds8pgw1pf/image/upload/v1730561465/penguinui/component-assets/products/PS5Pro.webp" class="" alt="Playstation 5 Pro"/>
<div class="">
<p class="">Playstation 5 Pro</p>
<p class="">Strorage: 2TB</p>
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<label for="counterInput2" class="">quantity</label>
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<span class="">item price</span>
<p class="">$699</p>
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<span>Sub total</span>
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<path d="M11.182.008C11.148-.03 9.923.023 8.857 1.18c-1.066 1.156-.902 2.482-.878 2.516s1.52.087 2.475-1.258.762-2.391.728-2.43m3.314 11.733c-.048-.096-2.325-1.234-2.113-3.422s1.675-2.789 1.698-2.854-.597-.79-1.254-1.157a3.7 3.7 0 0 0-1.563-.434c-.108-.003-.483-.095-1.254.116-.508.139-1.653.589-1.968.607-.316.018-1.256-.522-2.267-.665-.647-.125-1.333.131-1.824.328-.49.196-1.422.754-2.074 2.237-.652 1.482-.311 3.83-.067 4.56s.625 1.924 1.273 2.796c.576.984 1.34 1.667 1.659 1.899s1.219.386 1.843.067c.502-.308 1.408-.485 1.766-.472.357.013 1.061.154 1.782.539.571.197 1.111.115 1.652-.105.541-.221 1.324-1.059 2.238-2.758q.52-1.185.473-1.282"/>
<path d="M11.182.008C11.148-.03 9.923.023 8.857 1.18c-1.066 1.156-.902 2.482-.878 2.516s1.52.087 2.475-1.258.762-2.391.728-2.43m3.314 11.733c-.048-.096-2.325-1.234-2.113-3.422s1.675-2.789 1.698-2.854-.597-.79-1.254-1.157a3.7 3.7 0 0 0-1.563-.434c-.108-.003-.483-.095-1.254.116-.508.139-1.653.589-1.968.607-.316.018-1.256-.522-2.267-.665-.647-.125-1.333.131-1.824.328-.49.196-1.422.754-2.074 2.237-.652 1.482-.311 3.83-.067 4.56s.625 1.924 1.273 2.796c.576.984 1.34 1.667 1.659 1.899s1.219.386 1.843.067c.502-.308 1.408-.485 1.766-.472.357.013 1.061.154 1.782.539.571.197 1.111.115 1.652-.105.541-.221 1.324-1.059 2.238-2.758q.52-1.185.473-1.282"/>
<span class="">Pay with apple</span>
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List of all Alpine JS data used in this component.
Property | Description |
sidebarIsOpen |
Boolean - Sidebar is open/closed |
For sidebar with menu | |
menuIsOpen |
Boolean - Menu is open/closed
For sidebar with collapsible items | |
isExpanded |
Boolean - Item is expanded/collapsed
For sidebar with top navbar | |
userDropdownIsOpen |
Boolean - Dropdown is open/closed
Keyboard Navigation
Key | Action |
Tab |
Next focusable element gets the focus
Space |
Dropdown closed: Dropdown opens Dropdown opened: Option gets selected Sidebar closed: Sidebar opens Sidebar opened: Focused Element gets selected |
Dropdown: Next option gets focus | |
Dropdown: Previous option gets focus | |
Esc |
Dropdown: Dropdown closes
Overlay Sidebar: Sidebar closes |